Magazine application



    • Copyright protection magazine (English version)
    • Special contributions by experts, copyright protection issues and statistics, etc.

KCOPA REPORT, delivers information on copyright protection in Korea and other countries. If you subscribe to <KCOPA REPORT>, you can easily understand and be updated on the current status of and issues regarding copyright protection in Korea and other countries.

*<KCOPA REPORT> is published twice a year, Subscription is free.

Your personal information will be used only for the purpose of sending magazines and webzines.

Applicant Information

* is required.

You can enter your name, email, affiliation, contact, and address by entering applicant information.

Consent to collect and use personal information

Collection of personal information.Collect by consent.Purpose of use, collection items, retention.Disadvantaged information provided if the period of use and consent are rejected
Purpose of collection and use Korean Copyright Protection Agency Publications Application
Collection Items

[Required items]

name, affiliation, address, contact, e-mail
Retention and use period 3 years from the date of collection (application)
Disadvantages for refusal of consent The applicant has the right to refuse consent to collect and use personal information as above. However, if you refuse to agree to collect essential items, there may be restrictions on applying for publications by the Korea Copyright Protection Agency.

There are no restrictions on publication applications even if you do not agree to collect selections.
  • I agree to collect and use the above personal information. (Required item)