- Operate the Copyright Protection Deliberation Committee for the eradication of the online distribution of illegal reproductions to promote the recommendation of correction and site blocking after the receipt of reports and deliberation
Operation of the Copyright Protection Deliberation Committee
Organization of the Copyright Protection Deliberation Committee and deliberation of major issues by the committee
- The Copyright Protection Deliberation Committee has four subcommittees to ensure efficient deliberation and deliberates and delivers resolutions on administrative measures including recommendations of correction, corrective orders and site blocking.
Recommendation of correction and corrective orders (Article 133-3 and 133-2 of the Copyright Act)
Deliberation on recommendations of correction including warnings, deletion/suspension of interactive transmission, and account suspension
Procedures for recommendations of correction (Article 133-3 of the Copyright Act)
- 1. Recommendation of corrective measures after deliberation
- - Warning against reproducers and interactive transmitters
- - Deletion or suspension of interactive transmission of reproductions
- - Suspension of repetitive illegal reproducers’ and interactive transmitters’ account
- 2. Notification of measures taken
- - Warning, deletion or suspension (within five days)
- - Suspension of account (within 10 days)
- 3. When OSPs fail to comply with corrective recommendations
- - Request for corrective orders
Deliberation on corrective orders
Procedures for corrective orders (Article 133-2 of the Copyright Act)
- 1.Receipt of reports and request for deliberation
- 2.Documentation of the results of reviews and deliberations
- 3.Deliberation by the Copyright Protection Deliberation Committee
- 4.Notification of the results of deliberation
- 5. Issuance of a writ of corrective order
- 6. Notification of the results of measures taken
Request for Information on Reproducers and Interactive Transmitters (Article 103-3 of the Copyright Act)
Deliberation on the request for information on reproducers and interactive transmitters
Procedures of corrective orders (Article 133-2 of the Copyright Act)
- 1. Request for information about reproducers and interactive transmitters
- 2. Refusal to provide the information
- 3. Request for an order to provide the information
- 4. Request for an order to provide the information
- 5. Notification of the results of deliberation
- 6. Order to provide information
- 7. Provision of information
- 8. Provision of information
System of deliberation and corrective recommendation on illegal reproductions
Procedures for Recommendations of Correction (Article 133-3 of the Copyright Act)
Phase 1. Investigation of illegal reproductions
- 01. Monitoring and receipt of reports from the general public, copyright holders, etc.
- 02. Processing and verification of reports
Phase 2. Deliberation
- 03. Registration to the deliberation system and documentation of cases for deliberation
- 04. Deliberation by the Copyright Protection Deliberation Committee
- 05. Resolution on the results of deliberation
Phase 3. Recommendation and fulfillment of corrective action
- 06. Corrective recommendations against illegal reproductions
- 07. OSP’s fulfillment of corrective recommendation and notification
- 08. Corrective orders from the MCST (when OSPs fail to fulfill corrective recommendations)